quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010

wizard book 6 text 25

Benjamin Franklin's 12th virtue - tranquility - is a virtue that is based on being at peace within. He explained this virtue as not being "disturbed at trifles or at accidents common or unavoidable."

Life is full of turmoil and obstacles that are constantly thrown in one's way. Trials are inevitable as well as important to one's personal growth. Even though people must confront problems, this does not impede one from leading a tranquil life. What will constitute whether one's life is tranquil or not, depends on how the individual reacts to and deals with these unavoidable obstacles.

Many people, when faced with unpleasant situations or trials, get stressed out or upset. During conflict, some people choose to yell and say derogatory remarks. Not only does this not solve the problem, but it also creates even more tension. On learning how to react with more calmness, one will avoid unecessary stress which can lead to health problems and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Franklin left the virtue of tranquility towards the end of the list with the intention of first perfecting the other 11 virtues. Once he had perfected these, he believed that tranquility would come naturally.

9 comentários:

  1. Muito bom cara, vlw mesmo me ajudo muito em vez daquele cara do CD que fala mal pra caramba

  2. o cara que fala mal ou a gente que não entende? - eis a questão.....

  3. talves se nos assistissemos filmes em ingles e escutasse o cd ao inves de vir no blog pegar o texto pronto ... entenderiamos melhor.... MAS , a preguiça nao dexa xD

  4. ...tension. On learning how...

    é In learning ...

  5. De boa, eu até entendo o que o cara fala, só que estou com 11 lições para entregar, e só restam 2 dias... e sabe, eu sou brasileiro..

  6. alguém tem o improve your pronunciation da lição 26 ?

  7. Vocês vão entender tudo o que o cara fala no dia em que pararem de colar e começarem a fazer esse listening de verdade.

  8. to yell and say..

    Eu acho que é
    to tell and say..

    1. É "to yell" mesmo. "Durante um conflito, algumas pessoas escolhem gritar[...]"
