quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010

wizard book 6 text 23

cleanliness is a virtue regarded to your whole self.
Cleanliness is a great preservative of health. When you wash yourself regularly and wear clean clothes, you keep your body free of impurities, preventing yourself from getting diseases. Besides, you feel and smell fresh.

The same way you take care of your body, it is of great importance to watch out for your mental cleanliness. Words, thoughts and the faculty of reason are meant to be used for the good things. Differently from animals that simply act on instinct and do what gives them pleasure, human beings can distinguish right from wrong.
A mind filled with pure and positive thoughts keeps one feeling peaceful.

Cleanliness, one of the virtues considered uiniversal, is one of the ways to success. A man used to a clean environment tends to be clean and organized in all aspects. It is necessary to decency, it affords personal comfort and it is also one means to be accepted by society.
Without cleanliness, neither health nor respectability can be maintained for very long.

10 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. No paragrafo:
    Cleanliness, one of the virtues considered uiniversal.

    A última palavra está errada. O certo é:


    Muda ai! XD

    Vlw pelo texto! ;D

  3. Alguém pode postar o improve your pronunciation lesson 18, por favor? Estou com algumas dúvidas.

  4. alguém sabe o 'improve your pronunciation' da lição 22?

  5. Improve your pronunciation - Lesson 22

    1- Come here please

    2- I work for this company

    3- He's a good companion

    4- He never complains

    5- I like competition

    6- I like to come here

    7- My computer is great

    8- Wizard is complete

    9- My communication is better

    10- My conversaton is better

    é issae, espero ter ajudado

  6. alguém sabe o 'improve your pronunciation' da lição 26 e 30????

  7. Alguem poderia por o improve your pronunciation da lição 26???
    Obrigada!!! :D

  8. Aquela parte do "A man used to a clean environment" eu simplesmente não consegui tirar de ouvido... a pronúncia dos dois A como "ei" matou totalmente... e ainda por cima eu jogo essa frase no Tradutor do Google e boto prá muié lá falar e ela fala os A como A mesmo... PQP!!!
    Só vocês mesmo prá quebrar nosso galho, valeu!
