quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2010

wizard book 6 text 9


Order is related to the way things are organized. Things must have their places and a schedule must be kept to avoid wasted time.
Franklin chose his third virtue expecting it would allow him more time to attend his projects and studies.
Nowadays, even after more than 200 years since Franklin's self-improvement system has been published, people still use the same administration patterns.
We have computers that help us do any kind of work faster, but if we don't follow the principles of being organized , we'll lose track of time management.
Order is a great virtue. In the past or today, certain social, professional and personal rules are still in force. To be successful in any kind of business, appearance, speech and conduct are important qualities to have.
It´s mandatory to be organized during times when people have to be aware of anything related to the company they work for and be able to do many things in a short period of time.
From the president to the secretary, it is expected that everyone work focused on the same ideal, principal and target.

sempre leia os comentarios pq pode haver erros !

13 comentários:

  1. ...the same ideal, PRINCIPLE and target.

  2. obrigada por fazer este blog existir, ele salva muitos alunos!!!!!

  3. improve your pronunciation lesson 10 pleaseee

  4. Improve your pronunciation- lesson 10
    1- This is the beginning
    2- This is the end
    3- She works in the morning
    4- He works in the evening
    5- She took the carrot
    6- He took the eggs
    7- The car is mine
    8- The other is mine
    9- The banana is yellow
    10- The apple is red

    Bom, foi isso que eu entendi! :)

  5. galera preciso de uma força como faço pra melhorar minha audiçao no ingles dicas alguem ja passou ou passa por isso tbm

    1. NÃO copie listenings que estão nesse blog...escute tudo o que vc puder, assista filmes legendados, primeiramente com legenda em português e depois em inglês, ouça música, etc...

  6. Bom para tirar dúvidas, mas primeiro voce deve tentar fazer o maximo que puder!!! ;)

  7. na ultima linha: "on the same ideal, principal and target." ao invés de "Principal" o correto é "principle"
