terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010

wizard book 5 lesson 11

black friday

the day after thanksgiving in the unites states is commonly known as black friday. this day is historically considered the busiest day of shopping in the year. it is also considered by many as the beginning of the holiday season. on this day it is common for people to wake up early or even sleep at the door of popular stores awaiting their apening. as the doors open customers run to grab items on sale with discounts of up to 80% off. often some individuals will choose an item and claim it as their own, only to have someone later remove it from their shopping cart and claim it as theirs. on this day there is tension in the air and a great deal of competition to get items at the absolute lowest price. the origin of the name black friday is unclear. some have ventured to say it is due to the excess of stress that day. if you happen to be in the united states during the last week of november,you may experience the excitement and joy of getting up early, going to your favorite store and purchasing items at a very low price. forget the tension and stress though.

11 comentários:

  1. Cara, gostei muito desse seu Blog, perdi o meu CD ( do Book 5 ) ai vim na net procurar algo para eu poder fazer minhas tarefas...queria achar o CD para baixar e achei este blog. Mas pelo que notei... os textos possuem alguns erros, por exemplo neste Text 11: "unites states"? Seria "United States" não é mesmo? vi em outros textos também coisas similares como: "clles" que seria called. Mas enfim, está de parabéns =P

  2. this text is the biggest that i saw °°

  3. alguem tem as resposta do Book 8, por favor.

  4. kkkkk
    muito obrigado, por salvar minhas lições de cada dia
    o outro blog já estava ultrapassado, ninguem mais usava.

  5. E o listening comprehension meu mano ?! :((

  6. Porra!Foda esse blog!Alem de ajudar a fazer a lição ajuda a aprender também.Foda cara, parabéns!Salvou minha vida!!!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

  7. mano muito bom mas bem que vcs podiam fazer os outro exercicios tbm ne ??
