sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

book 7 lesson 7

Organization comes from organize, which means to arrange by systematic planning sometimes it’s hard to admit that your life is a disorganized mess. Once we admit that is necessary to improve our skills in order to enjoy life, some self-criticism may be helpful. Marking just a few small changes can make a busy life more manageable.
Sometimes we are so busy we don’t have time do plan our activities. A good way to start is by getting rid of bad habits. Organization comes with the habit of being organized, and we have to start somewhere if we want to obtain this habit. A little push in the right direction to get things started may be one of the solutions.
Organization is so important that hundreds of books have been written to teach people how to organize various aspects of their lives. Just by using common sense, we can see that if we want to get rid of any bad habit, the decisions to change has to come from ourselves alone.
Does this seem too difficult? Try taking an overview of the situation. In what areas do problem arise? How can time be saved? What can be changed in order to achieve the results we desire? Some simple questions such as these will provide ideas about how to become more organized?
If you cannot do this yourself, do a little research on the subject. Only you can relieve stress by bringing order to your life.

7 comentários:

  1. Alguns comentários:
    Não há esse ON depois de "Organization on comes from...";
    Sometimes it's hard to admit that your lifes is a disorganized MESS (e não men);
    Some self criticism may be helpful é uma frase só, (logo após "improve our skills in order to enjoy life").

  2. ...is by getting RID of bad habits, algo do tipo se livrar dos maus hábitos.

  3. esses erros devem ser propositais para fazer a gnt estudar de qlqr forma xDD

  4. Organization
    Organization comes from organize, which means to arrange by systematic planning sometimes it’s hard to admit that your life is a disorganized mess. Once we admit that is necessary to improve our skills in order to enjoy life, some self-criticism may be helpful. Marking just a few small changes can make a busy life more manageable.
    Sometimes we are so busy we don’t have time do plan our activities. A good way to start is by getting rid of bad habits. Organization comes with the habit of being organized, and we have to start somewhere if we want to obtain this habit. A little push in the right direction to get things started may be one of the solutions.
    Organization is so important that hundreds of books have been written to teach people how to organize various aspects of their lives. Just by using common sense, we can see that if we want to get rid of any bad habit, the decisions to change has to come from ourselves alone.
    Does this seem too difficult? Try taking an overview of the situation. In what areas do problem arise? How can time be saved? What can be changed in order to achieve the results we desire? Some simple questions such as these will provide ideas about how to become more organized?
    If you cannot do this yourself, do a little research on the subject. Only you can relieve stress by bringing order to your life.

    acho que tá tudo certo agora...

  5. MAKING just a few small changes... e não Marking...
    In what areas do PROBLEMS arise? e não problem.

    Até mais.
