Spirituality is the part of a person life that has to do with becoming a better person. Everyone has a spiritual side to their personality, even if they do not think about it very much. We need to pay attention to our spiritual life if we want to be happy and successful.
Spirituality has an inner and an outer aspect. The outer aspect is about what we do-how we treat our families, our friends, our business associates with every day. Kind, honest, and helpful actions are the outward signs of spirituality.
The inner aspect of spirituality is about what we think and feel. Am I being honest with myself and with others? Am I doing my best? Is my mind at peace? How can I improve as a parent, as a son or daughters, as a student, as a coworkers? Asking ourselves questions like these when we are at home or by ourselves is part of inner spirituality. Another part is prayer, which we can do alone or together with others.
Most of us have to find a way to make spirituality combine with our family and work responsibilities. Many people practice inner spirituality by taking some time out every week to go to church, and by taking a little time out every day to pray and read the Bible, then they take the lesson they have learned in these daily lives.
The important thing to remember is that good thoughts and good feelings are meaning without good actions. On the other hand without good ideas and good attitudes, good actions are difficult or impossible. In the end, however, people will judge you by your actions – what you feel and think only matters to yourself.
cara vc esta de parabens este é o unico link da net que tem as respostas do book 7, parabens mesmo, entra em contato comigo se possivel quero contribuir com algumas respostas do book 6 que estão faltando.......
Pelo amor de Deus me ajuda com o text da lesson 25 - opportunity, ta me deixando doida já... mm_malp@yahoo.com.br
ResponderExcluirAlgumas correções:
ResponderExcluirthe outer aspect is about what we do-how we treat our families, our friends, our business associates AND THE OTHER PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE IN CONTACT with every day.
Then they take the lesson they have learned in these TIMES OUT AND PRACTICES THEM ON YOUR daily lives.
The important thing to remember is that good thoughts and good feelings are meaning LESS without good actions.
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ResponderExcluirparabéns pois nos ajuda a entender o cd com aquele cara chato falando....
ResponderExcluircontinhuo aprendendo so que agora entendendo tbm pois ao traduzir o texto afim de encontrar as respostas acabo aprendendo tbm.
conto com vc.
Também constatei os mesmos pontos a corrigir da Isadora. Assim, uns ajudando os outros, melhoraremos nossos estudos. Bjs.
ResponderExcluirVlw cara, bem melhor q ouvir o cara drogado do cd
"cara drogado do cd"
Uma dica para o world builder (qm tem preguiça ou nao tem criatividade rs)
ResponderExcluir- Procure a palavra no dicionario, nao seja tao preguiçoso ¬¬
- acesse http://sentence.yourdictionary.com e procure as palavras, lá terá frases prontas!
word* '-'
ResponderExcluirmuito bom *---*
ResponderExcluiralguem que tenha o cd do livro 7 nao pode disponibilizar um link para download?
ResponderExcluirAdoorei, me ajudou muito.
ResponderExcluirThank you :)
Blog perfeito, estão de parabéns!!!
ResponderExcluirThanks! =]